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Financial Assistance During Covid 2021

Money Plays an undeniable crucial role in the fabric of human existence, resonating across various domains and significantly impacting the quality of life.  It is indeed the primary catalyst driving the disparity between the rich and the poor within our societa framework. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdowns further exacerbated this economic schism. In this period, a substantial portion of the Population found themselves within the confines of unemployment, particularly those who were already marginalized and underprivileged prior to the onset of the Pandemic. As a consequence, many faced the grim prospect of homelessness and grappled with the daunting challenge of meeting their basic needs. 

This adverse situation, precipitated by the lockdown, compelled the youth within these strata of society to forego their education in favor oof seeking employment to provide for their families. Consequenlty, the cycle of poverty perpetuatd itself, as these circumstances perpuated a reality where access to education became a luxury. In response to this pressing need, extending diret financial aid in the form of cash emerged as a crucial intervention. This assistance served to offseet the immediate financial burdens, enabling the procurement of essential provisons such as rations and medical supplies. Moreover, it facilitated the restoration of education pursuits, offering hope for a future unshackled from the constraints of poverty.  


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