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Challenges and Solutions in Ration Distribution efforts 2021

We undertook a commendable initiative by distributing ration to over 1000 underprivileged individuals, ensuring they have access to essential food supplies during lockdown. Our effort went beyong mere provison of the necessities, we wanted to make a positive impact on the lves of these individuals. With careful consideration, we included a variety of food items such as rice, flour, tea packets, food oil, detergent, spices and other essentials in our distribution during lockdown. 

Lotus Born Foundation distributed rations to more than 50 families and impoverished people for two days in Delhi, whose houses were washed away and collapsed in flash floods due to increased rain and the rising water level of Yamuna River. This led to widespread chaos in their lives. Most of them lived under the bridge before the flood caused them to lose their homes and damaged of properties. Many of their crops had become submerged as a result of rising water levels and most of them depended on crops for their livelihood. 

The aim of this endeavor was to alliviated the burdens faced by underprivileged individuals, particularly in term of their nutritional needs. We understand  the significance of balanced meals and vital role it plays in ensuring their well-being. By providng a diverse range of food items, we aimed to cater their dietary requirements, taking into account their specific needs and preference. 

The process of distribution ration to such a large number of underprivileged individuals in Delhi and Utter pradesh was no small feat. It required meticulous planning, efficient coordination, and dedication volunteers. We ensured that every individuals received an adequate amount of ration, considering the size of their families and other relevant factors. 

The impact of our efforts extended beyong just providing food. We aimed to instill a sense of hope and support within these communities. By demonstrating our solidarity and empathy, we showed them that they are not alone in their struggles. The smiles and gratitude we received in return were a testament to the positive change we were able to bring to their lives. The distribution of ration was not a one-time event for us. We view it as an ongoing commitment to these underprivileged communities. We are etermined to continue our efforts and explore further avenues to support them in their journey towards a more sustainable and prosperous future. 

Our initiative to distribute ration to over 1000 underprivileged individuals was born out a desire to make a meaningful impact in theeir lives. Through the provision of essential food supplies, we aimed to address their nutritional needs and bring a sense of hope and support to their communities. This endeavour is part of our ongoing commitment to make a positive difference in the lives of those less fortune. 


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