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“Lotus Born Foundation”

Our Journey to provide hope to those who have lost hopes!
We observed that many people living under flyovers were sustaining without or very minimum food and nutrition intake for days. This made us take certain actions for helping them by providing them with the required nutrition .

No medical aid was available and there were a lot of individuals who had major infections and zero treatment sources for medical. Hence we tried to provide them with medical help for their physical illnesses and other health-related issues. And this is how we started our journey to create “Lotus Born Foundation” for making a change in society leading towards a better tomorrow. We believe in helping those who deserve to be happy but aren't able to avail and reach the resources they need.


We have experienced


Years on this journey of bringing life and hope back to the lives of our beneficiaries

We established this Lotus Born Foundation in October 8 2021 during the pandemic to help poor people as they were struggling during that period. They didn't got any job during pandemic so there were no jobs and money income for them and also there were so many immigrants people from Bangladesh who lives in Delhi out skirts area  as they were also struggling a lot. 
So our foundation helps these people by distributing food for 4months  during lock down. And also we distributed ration which includes rice, sugar, tea, dal, food oil and etc. for over three thousand family.

Founder’s Journey

    Locals to the ever-crowded streets of Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, Dawa Tsering and Nawang Chotta, compassionate small business owners, observed the distressing challenges faced by the underprivileged on a daily basis. Moved by the hardships of the most vulnerable members of society, the duo resolved to take matters into their own hands to bring about some positive change. Through their commitment to helping those in need, Dawa and Nawang led welfare programs and organised charitable events, extending crucial support to individuals unable to sustain themselves.


    For Dawa, this path of doing good was never for the short run. He wanted to do more, and being a pragmatic businessman, he knew that alone, he could only scratch the surface and that his efforts would be multiplied with a strong network of like-minded people who want to bring about a similar positive change to society. With his realistic approach and determination to help the needy, he formed "The Lotus Born Foundation."


    The foundation sprang into action on October 8, 2021, extending a lifeline to those hit hardest by the sudden catastrophic events that unfolded during the COVID pandemic. This was the same time when thousands of jobless and penniless Delhi locals and immigrants fought to survive and struggled to get essential medicines, shelter, and food.


    Moved by the sudden change of circumstances that led many households under the poverty line and on the brink of collapse, The Lotus Born Foundation rose to the challenge, distributing 21 days' worth of food and other essentials during the lockdown to over a thousand families. Each bag of rice, sugar, tea, dal, and other daily essentials brought a glimmer of hope, restoring faith in humanity, one family at a time.